논문검색 서비스


The 18 th Annual Forum of the Korean American Oil & Gas Engineers Asso…

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일 21-08-12 12:02


The 18 th Annual Forum of the Korean American Oil & Gas Engineers Association 

○ 개최일시 : 8월 20일(금) 오전 9시 - 오전 11시 (한국시각)

 개최방법 : 온라인 Zoom회의

 등록링크: https://forms.gle/U3xDDLHqNzZ8uWtw5 

               ※ 등록자에게만 Zoom 링크를 보내드립니다.

KOEA Annual Forum provides a great networking opportunity and helps you get updated on the recent trends in the oil and gas industry. The forum is beneficial to professionals, academics, students alike. Please join our August 19th Webinar. 

This year, we invited three high-profile plenary speakers to present on the theme of “New Era of Energy,” which addresses opportunities and challenges that the energy industry is facing as it heads towards a diversified, technologically disrupting and socially demanding future. Please find the attached booklet for detailed information. 

Any company or individual who is interested in sponsoring KOEA will also have a great opportunity to advertise their businesses through KOEA webpage and will be recognized during various KOEA events including the Annual Forum. 

To register or learn about how to become a KOEA member, please click the link below or visit www.koea.us. 

We look forward to seeing all of you at the KOEA Annual Forum. 
