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PACOMS-2018 Jeju

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일 18-02-14 15:43



The 13th ISOPE Pacific Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium

Jeju Island, Korea, October 14-17, 2018


The 13th ISOPE Pacific Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium (ISOPE PACOMS-2018) is being organized by the ISOPE PACOMS-2018 Symposium Organizing Committee (SOC), and Local Organizing Committee (LOC). It will be held in Jeju, hosted by the Korean Society of Ocean Engineers (KSOE). Previous twelve ISOPE PACOMS symposia have successfully been heldheld: Seoul 1990, San Francisco 1992, Beijing 1994, Busan 1996, Daejeon 2002, Vladivostok 2004, Dalian 2006, Bangkok 2008, Busan 2010, Vladivostok. 2012, Shanghai 2014 and Gold Coast 2016. The purpose of the 13th Symposium is to provide a timely international forum for researchers and engineers interested in ocean, energy/resources and environment and to promote technical cooperation at an international level. We hope that this forum will provide an excellent opportunity for researchers and engineers to discuss technical progress and cooperation.


                                  Final Call For Papers



Abstract Submission

March 10, 2018

Tentative Abstract Acceptance Notice

March 15, 2018

Manuscript for Review

May 15, 2018


Prospective authors are invited to e-mail (subject: PACOMS-2018) an abstract in 300-400 words to:

(a) one of IOC members; cc:

(b); Fax +82-42-866-3919, Dr. Sa Young Hong, PACOMS-2018 LOC chariman, 1312-32 Yuseongdaero Yuseong-gu, Daejon 34103, South Korea;; or

(c); Fax +1-650-254-2038, ISOPE PACOMS-2018 secretariat, 495 North Whisman Road, Suite 300, Mountain View, California 94043-5711, USA.

The abstracts must include the full names, addresses, postal and e-mail addresses, and fax numbers of all author and co-authors. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed, and the Symposium Proceedings, indexed by Engineering Index, EI Compendex, Thomson ISTP will be available during the Symposium and later from ISOPE. Access online digital subscription of papers worldwide from . Major libraries, academia, and industry are subscribers. Select papers will be further peer-reviewed for possible publication in International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, SCI-E.


Theme: Sustainable Ocean Development

Challenges in Surface and Subsea Design and Installation Technology and Simulation

LNG Plant Operation & Monitoring Technology       Offshore and Arctic Installation & Simulation
LNG Bunkering: Systems, Technology                     Wave Energy Technology, Pilot Plants
LNG Bunkering Design and Operations                   Offshore Wind Energy, Pilot Plants
FLNG, FSRU Design and Operation                         Tidal Current Power Generation
EEDI & Green Ship Technology                              Coastal Protection and Restoration



International Organizing Committee(IOC):

Mr. Chuan Cao (CNPC, China); Dr. M.A. Atmanand (Natl Inst of Ocean Tech, India); Prof. S. Chucheepsakul (Thailand); Prof. Jin S. Chung (ISOPE, USA); Prof. Fu-ping Gao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Inst Mechanics, China); Dr. Sa Young Hong, Hong Gun Sung (KRISO, Korea);Prof. Dong Sheng Jeng (Griffith Univ, Australia); Prof. Wataru Koterayama (Kyushu Univ, Japan); Prof. Hua Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, China); Prof. Rob Melchers (Univ of New Castle, Australia); Dr. A Nezamian (Aurecon, Australia); Prof. V.I. Pavlenko (Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, Russia); Prof. Bin Teng (Dalian Univ of Tech, China); Prof. Decheng Wan (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, China); Dr. Alan Wang (CNOOC-COOEC, China).


PACOMS Executive Committee

Prof. S. Chucheepsakul (Thailand); Prof. Jin S. Chung (USA); Dr. S.W. Hong. S Y Hong (Korea); Prof. W. Koterayama, Japan ); Prof. Hua Liu (China); Prof. H-I Park (Korea); Prof. V.I. Pavlenko (RAS, Russia); Prof. B. Teng (China).

Local Organizing Committee (LOC, Korea) :

Dr. S.Y. Hong, Dr. K Hong; Dr. HG Sung, Dr. J. Kim (KRISO), Dr. I.S. Jang (KIOST); Prof. J.C. Park (Pusan Natl U) ; Prof. C.H. Jo (Inha Univ.); Prof. I.R. Park(DEU); Prof. Y. Kim(SNU); Prof. D.S. Huh(KNU); Prof. I.H. Kim(GNU), Prof. I.H. Cho(JNU)

Sponsor and cooperating Organizations: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) , KSOE, KRISO(Korea), DUT (China), SJTU (China), RAS (Russia), KNUTT (Thailand), EA (Australia) Host Organization: The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers(KSOE) Sponsors: KRISO, and more later
