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ISOPE-2018 Sapporo

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일 17-09-11 13:47


ISOPE-2018 Conference, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, June 10-15

TPC appreciates your help to organize a session for a successful ISOPE-2018 Sapporo Conference
The printed Call For Papers has reached or will reach in a week, the recent ISOPE conference participants.
*    Email your personal invitation now to possible authors on your list: Don’t forget to write down your own name, e-mail address. Your personal effort is important.
*    Focus Sessions and Special Panels.  Organizers are reminded to take prompt action now.
*    Keep the abstract deadline flexible for those who ask for extension if they promise to meet the January manuscript (MS) deadline for peer review. For further extension, discuss with TPC.
*    Call4papers for special symposia or focus sessions are being posted on the ISOPE website at and will be updated by the end of September.
We also encourage you to invite a new TPC member who proposes to organize a focus session.
Please report the progress of those focus sessions, special panel session and special speakers proposed at your Technical Committee (TC) meetings held in San Francisco, California:
*    Topicstentative session titles, and the organizer name(s), especially those listed in the TC meeting minutes.
*    Plenary, keynote presentation and speakers for the opening session: Propose and discuss in advance with TPC the possible candidates with topic and speaker you propose ASAP
*    Speakers at the opening session: We welcome your recommendation.
The most important deadline is March 24, 2018 for the final revised manuscript as PDF file on the ISOPE conference template after peer review.
– Attached files: Call4papers (updates on
