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Invitation to ISOPE-2014 초록 제출 마감일 연장 안내

페이지 정보

작성자 해양공학회 작성일 13-10-21 11:32


2014년 제 24차 ISOPE Conference가 부산에서 개최됩니다.
ISOPE-2014, Busan의 초록 제출 마감일이 10월 20일에서 11월 20일로 연장되었음을 알려드립니다.

ISOPE은 해양공학분야를 대표하는 국제학술대회로서 자리매김을 해왔고 우리나라 해양산업 및 해양공학기술도 ISOPE을 통해 국제적으로 인지도를 높이고 글로벌 수준으로 성장했다고 생각합니다. 내년 ISOPE-2014, Busan을 통해 우리나라 해양산업과 해양공학이 더욱 발전하는 계기가 될 것으로 생각합니다. 여러분의 많은 참여를 부탁 드립니다.

ISOPE-2014, Busan 공동의장 한국해양대학교 박한일 총장
ISOPE-2014, Busan LOC 위원장 한국해양공학회 박상길 회장 배상

초록 제출에 대해 궁금하신 점이 있으시면홍사영, ISOPE-2014, LOC secretary) 로 문의 바랍니다.

Invitation to 24th Annual ISOPE‑2014 Conference, Busan, Korea , June 15-20

On behalf of ISOPE-2014 TPC, we invite you to submit an abstract for possible presentation at the 24th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, Korea, June 15-20, 2014.

In addition to strong sessions on the existing popular ISOPE topics such as hydrodynamics, coastal engineering, ocean technology etc., next year we promote additional specialty symposia on emerging topics such as:

Arctic Science and Technology (Arctic-2014) ; Arctic Materials (Arctic-M-2014) ;

High-performance Materials (HPM-2014) ; Manganese Steel ; Nanomaterials ;

Renewable Energy and Environment (Renewable-2014); Tsunami and Safety (Tsunami-2014) ;

LNG Sloshing (Sloshing-2014) ; CFD ; Frontier Energy & Clean Energy Tech (FERT-2014);

Strain-based Design (SBD-2014); Asset Integrity (Asset-2014) ; South China Sea Deepwater

Subsea, Pipelines, Risers ; Installation and Decommisioning

The advance author registration fee is expected to remain low, starting from $670 including: 4-volume proceedings on high-quality CD-ROM, reception, banquet and coffee breaks.

Since ISOPE-1992, the annual ISOPE conferences have been the world’s largest technical conferences of its kind with peer-reviewed papers.

Following the all-time record-breaking 1250-1350+abstracts received for ISOPE-2010 Beijing, ISOPE-2011 Maui and ISOPE-2012 Rhodes (150 sessions) from 52 countries ( ), ISOPE-2014 is being organized and hosted by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) with 30 cooperating organizations and societies throughout the world: More than 100 high-level technical, special and target sessions with participation from more than 50 countries with emphasis on timely topics.

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed prior to the final acceptance. All ISOPE conference and symposium proceedings papers are indexed by Engineering Index (EI Compendex), and are available for online digital subscription (indexed by Google Scholar) from major academic and industry libraries worldwide. The 2014 conference proceedings will be available during the Conference.

Abstract deadline: November 20, 2013
Manuscript (for review) deadline: January 15, 2014 or earlier
Final Manuscript is due: March 24, 2014

Three Ways to Submit Absrtact(s)

(a) E-mail your abstract to one of the TPC members,
(b) Online; Click , or
(c) Email directly to ISOPE-2014 TPC (, California, USA).

For the deadline extension, contact us or TPC:

Join us in Busan. Special ISOPE room rate at top 4-star and economy hotels starts from $155 and $80/night.

We look forward to seeing you next year in Busan.

Sincerely yours,

AD Jenkins, M Kashiwagi, D Smith, S Grilli, P Ferrant, QW Ma, HC Chen, D Angelides, V Sriram, S Yan, J Touboul, K Tanizawa, M La Rocca, DC Wan, CH Hu, X Zheng, C Yang, TQ Li, J Zang, Q Xiao, J Spinneken, JV Kurian, YS Cao, MH Kim, B Teng, K Murali, T Mathai, SY Hong, A Baeten, S Naito, M Minoura, D Causon, N Goseberg,

ISOPE-2014 Busan Conference,;
