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2024 Joint Academic Conference of the Korean Association of Ocean Scie…



May 23-25, 2024

Place ICC, Jeju, Korea
Oranization KAOSTS
Managed by KSOE
Patrons Update scheduled
Application for presentation

• Application period for presentation: Update scheduled, Submit a summary of one sheet of presentation upon application
• Period for submission of manuscript: Update scheduled
• Presentation areas: steel development, welding technique/interpretation, process design/interpretation, marine wave mechanics/load, 

  mooring design/interpretation, floating and fixed structural design/strength analysis/impact/fall/explosion/firestone, 

  production design, marine equipment, subsea field, wind, etc

• Members who wish to present the special session shall be consulted separately. 
• contact information: hee-jin Lee (, +82-51-759-0657)

Application & contact us• Application for participation: Update scheduled
 contact information: hee-jin Lee (, +82-51-759-0657)

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